Jeffrey K Lyons Narrative Wars
News • Politics • Culture
Podcast Host, Conservative News Commentary.
Author and former Professor of Communication.

Dismantling Woke ?Narratives.
America First.
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16 May 2024 - Why is DEI Being De-funded in Universities All Across America?

In today’s “Thoughtful Thursday Series,” – we are going to take a deeper dive into the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and ask the question:

Why are so many public universities all over the United States cutting funding for DEI programs?

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President Donald Trump was convicted of 34 counts of Federal Crimes in a New York City Courtroom. The United States is now an official Banana Republic.

Dr. Fauci, America’s gaslighting bureaucrat Dr. who handed out millions in grant research dollars over decades, is caught lying and covering up the fake natural origin theory of the COVID virus.

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The Democrats and Lame Stream media are threatened by the Supreme Court – the solution attack Justice Alito for flying a flag at his home.

The importance of Memorial Day - One veteran says it is the most important military Remembrance Days of the year.

These stories and more, in this episode of Narrative Wars.

16 MAY 2024 - Why is DEI Being Defunded in Universities All Across America?

In Today’s “Thoughtful Thursday Series,” – we are going to take a deeper dive into the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and ask the question:

Why are so many public universities all over the United States cutting funding for DEI programs?

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The Political Left Fails When They Attempt to Re-Write America’s Origin Story
There is a fundamental ideological divide regarding America’s Origin Story and the Future of the United States of America

I have been listening to the voices of Americans across the fruited plains this week. Their voices are everywhere: across social media, at political gatherings, on various non-Mainstream Media News outlets. The conclusion is quite clear.

Conservative Americans want to live in a nation that will uphold certain ideals and values, in order to ensure that their children and grandchildren will be able to secure the same blessings and opportunities that America has provided them.

What is the American Dream?

According to Encyclopedia Brittanica, the American Dream is the:

. . . ideal that the United States is a land of opportunity that allows the possibility of upward mobility, freedom, and equality for people of all classes who work hard and have the will to succeed.


Of course, the early American colonists such as the Pilgrims (1620) and all the other successive waves of pioneers which came from England and Europe to North America – all shared certain ideals.

First, they sought opportunity and the chance to rise above the station into which they were born on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. In other words, they sought an ideal now known as meritocracy. Meritocracy is the antithesis of the traditional European rule of aristocracy, which asserts that there is a fundamental division between the gentry and the commoner.

This economic system dominated the Middle Ages and persisted until the middle of the 17th century in England. In short, those early pioneers sought both escape from the feudalism in England and Europe, but also the opportunity to make something of themselves through hard work and determination.

Second, this idea to leave the past system of feudalism behind, on the other side of the Atlantic and to pursue a new opportunity for advancement, without the restraints of lack of pedigree, title, lands and wealth was the key driving force that propelled these early pioneers to cross the Atlantic and begin a new life.

Third, many early settlers such as the Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers (Friends) and others, sought the liberty to practice their religious beliefs, apart from the heavy hand and restrictions of the English Anglican Church.

Abraham Lincoln and the American Dream

Abraham Lincoln’s story inspires Americans to this day.

Lincoln had everything going against him. His mother died at an early age. His father did not encourage his son to seek an education. He was living in poverty on a farm with little access to resources that could raise his station in life.

Everything changed when his step-mother taught him to read. Young Lincoln then began to voraciously read borrowed books and learn about the world from some of the greatest minds of his day. Once he reached adulthood, he left his father’s farm and ventured out on his own – studying for the bar and subsequently becoming a lawyer.

Biographies and stories regarding Abraham Lincoln continue to be best sellers in America – only to be bested by sales of the Bible.

Of course, Lincoln’s legacy became solidified when he became President of the United States, abolished the institution of slavery with the passing of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, and subsequently won the Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln embodies the American Dream – advancing from an uneducated poor family on a farm in Indiana to becoming the President of the United States in 1861.

According to Brittanica here are a few books that inspired young Abraham Lincoln:

These included Parson Weems’s Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington, Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, and Aesop’s Fables.  


The Political Left Rejects the American Dream

What we see in America today is an assault on the American Dream. The founding fathers are under attack by Progressives and Marxists.

The progressive Saul Alinsky in his quintessential revolutionary work: Rules for Radicals, lays the foundation for the modern progressive wing of the Democrat Party in America. The goal of Alinsky’s book is to overthrow the current system of representative government in the United States and to replace it with a tyrannical Marxist regime.

As a young university student in 1969, Hillary Clinton wrote a thesis paper on Saul Alinsky in which she idolized his ideals and vision for redefining America. The paper was titled: “There is only the Fight: An analysis of the Alinsky Model.”

Clinton wrote: “Although Alinsky calls Chicago his “city”, the place really represents to him the American Dream–in all its nightmare and its glory.”

According to yahoo!news, young Hillary Clinton corresponded with Saul Alinsky. It was Alinsky that pioneered the concept of “community organizer,” an epithet that Barak Obama embraced on his resumé, in his campaign for President of the United States.

The Left has Shown Their Cards and Americans are Rejecting Their Ideas

In August of 2019, The 1619 Project was launched by the radicalized New York Times. The project is the brainchild of New York Times journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones.

The 1619 Project is The New York Times Magazine’s award-winning reframing of American history that placed slavery and its continuing legacy at the center of our national narrative.


According to National Public Radio, Hannah-Jones intends to rewrite America’s origin story and dismantle the traditional concept of the American Dream. Nikole Hannah-Jones, a key editor and author of the New York Times, 1619 Project wants to fan the flame of racism, racial tension and segregation in America, by reframing “the American story through the lens of slavery.”

Apparently, she is not aware that slavery was abolished during the Lincoln administration and that the Civil War, which was based upon an economic system that was supported by slavery, was won by the free northern states that opposed slavery and harbored the abolitionist movement.

In a scathing rebuttal to The 1619 Project, secondary school teacher Emily Sclafani writes:

“I hesitate, though, to characterize the arrival of the first unfree Africans in Point Comfort, Virginia, as a moment of original sin that ossified our nation’s character and fate.”

The goal of course, is for The 1619 Project to become a staple of the American Education system and to rewrite America’s origin story.

There is now a fierce debate among scholars regarding the claims of The 1619 Project. One example is the book: 1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project, by anthropologist and former professor Peter W. Wood.

In Wood’s book he argues that the proper starting point for the American origin story is the signing of the Mayflower Compact in 1620. Woods rejects the radical revisionist history which The 1619 Project represents and profound fallout effects that it will have upon future generations of Americans.

Conclusion: The American Origin Story Reaffirmed

What has been the effect of the Obama era, community organizing and the Saul Alinsky style of dismantling American ideals?

The British based YouGov is an international data mining and research firm. Their stated mission is to “supply a continuous stream of accurate data and insight into what the world thinks, so that companies, governments and institutions can make informed decisions.”

Accordingly, YouGov has analyzed the question of the American Dream. Here is a summary regarding the question: Do Americans still embrace the concept of the American Dream?

Americans are more likely to believe in the American Dream now than they were last year. A June 2023 poll found that 61% of Americans say there is such a thing as the American Dream, up 18 percentage points from 43% in July 2022.


If anything, The 1619 Project and other attempts to dethrone the American Dream and rewrite America’s origin story has failed.

Overall, Americans want to believe in a better future for their families and their children. They do not want to disparage our traditional 1620 origin story and replace it with race-baiting and a continuous fanning of the racism banner whenever there are disagreements in our society.

America has always thrived in our system of plurality of opinions. Part of the American Dream is the ability to actively engage in discourse in the public sphere – that is one of the unique features of American society – our 1st Amendment right of free speech, assembly and unabridged religious observance. Notice that religion and the free exercise thereof was the first right enshrined in the first amendment. It was followed by freedom of speech, the press, the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.

Americans understand that these unalienable rights, as enshrined in the Constitution of the United States, were secured by the blood of patriots who understood that it is better to die for these ideals than to live under the boot of tyranny.

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How did the FDA and the CDC Become Our Personal Physicians?
The trust bond between personal care physicians and patients is broken.

One of the strange byproducts of the aftermath of the 2020 COVID pandemic, is the apparent abandonment of America’s reliance upon their Primary Care Physicians (PCP).

Let me explain. There was a time in America when medical doctors made house calls, to see patients. I never lived during that time – but previous generations did.

We now live in an age where we set appointments to see our PCPs and we are scheduled months in advance to see them. In the past we had a relationship with our PCP, we trusted their advice and their expertise. After all, we believed that they learned something when they attended medical school, and that access to that information would be beneficial to our personal health.


The trust bond between Personal Care Physicians and Patients was broken by the Pandemic Panic of 2020 through 2021.


Flashback to March 2020. Remember when things started to get weird? The government was talking about "flattening the curve," and that we needed to "shelter in place" for only two weeks. As time went on, depending on what state you lived in, you could be arrested by going to certain public places, or not wearing a mask. Most of America had been transformed into a police state and personal physicians were no longer treating their patients - Washington D.C. was in control and the entire public was quarantined and isolated, including children who were no longer allowed to go to school.

Did our personal physicians recommend all these drastic measures? In the past, if a child was sick, that child stayed home and was treated by their pediatrician. During COVID all children were treated like sick children, they were all forced to stay home, even when they were not sick. The American public, in general went along with all of this, because this is what the doctors in white coats in Washington D.C. were telling the nation to do. Americans willingly gave up their freedoms.

Remember the daily briefings by the experts from the White House? Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx stood next to President Trump and looked official and medically intelligent, usually wearing their white coats to identify them as physicians.

The point is that millions of Americans began watching this medical propaganda side show. We became enamored with an old bureaucrat, research physician that was impossible for common Americans to see for a personal appointment. We dutifully hung on every word that Dr. Fauci spoke.

Songs were written about Fauci to indoctrinate children and to get them to take the experimental mRNA jab. The song was called Fauci Ouchie, by Joanie Leeds. Dr. Fauci was appearing on talk shows and on a digital magazine cover for InStyle.

A Paradigm Shift of Trust Between Doctor and Patient

This is the paradigm shift that occurred in America. Suddenly it was cool to be a government bureaucrat, giving out medical advice to all of America.

The result was that Personal Care Physicians were left out in the cold. The doctor-patient relationship was now broken.

The evidence was everywhere on the Internet and across social media platforms. Everyone was talking about what Dr. Fauci said – and they were arguing about the efficacy of his medical advice. Should we wear masks? First, Dr. Fauci said "no" and later he said "yes."

How effective is the mRNA jab? Remember the catch phrase “safe and effective.” Personal physicians had no way to compete with the avalanche of chatter across the Web-o-sphere and social media truth-blab fact checkers. What else could the public conclude, as a result of all this media?

It was Fauci that commanded the attention of millions of Americans, especially the Americans that were addicted to cable television. During the COVID pandemic Dr. Fauci was a rock star, and our personal physicians were 3rd string bench warmers.


Millions of Americans hung on every word that Dr. Fauci spoke as “medical gospel.”


Where Are Americans Today?

What we are seeing is a bifurcation of the American public, regarding medical advice.

The first group of Americans are those that are dedicated to cable news, who have been re-programmed to trust the government more than their Personal Care Physician. This is a sad state of affairs. It will transform the way medicine is practiced in America. Personal Care Physicians will become order takers, who simply have pre-programmed patients coming into the office to have a script written for the latest “vaccine” that the government recommends. This will signal the death of the practice of medicine as we know it, and the end of the doctor-patient trust bond.

The second group of Americans have a more finely tuned BS meter, when it comes to vetting edicts from Washington, DC. These Americans are not dedicated to cable news and the lame-stream-legacy-media. I would suggest that they have now taken a healthy dose of the skepticism pill. These Americans are going to engage in their own due diligence, and they are going to verify and validate their sources of information more thoroughly. In short, this group of Americans they will decide for themselves whose medical advice they will heed and adhere to: The government will not be the first and last source of factual medical advice for them.


We are living in an age where our basic freedoms are daily being eroded and re-cast in terms of the good of society. In the past the American psyche was the stuff of independence, self-reliance, and individualism. All of this was sprinkled with the idea of helping your neighbor and believing that your neighbor would someday help you in a time of need.

That rugged individualism and sense of hard work and self-determination was once referred to by scholars as the Puritan Ethic: It was an homage to the zeitgeist of the New England Puritans that settled in the New World in the 17th Century. The Puritans played an important role in the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in the early 1600s. More can be said about other groups, that also came to the New World: The Pilgrims, Quakers (Friends), and other separatists that left England, in search of a better life and new opportunities.

The important takeaway is that the American Dream was based on the rugged individualism of its early settlers. These pioneers distrusted the English Crown. Many also distrusted the heavy hand of the Church of England. The pioneers relied on one another, and they established the foundation for what would later become the United States of America.

Is the United States of America now drifting from the platform from which it was launched? How is it that in the post-COVID era, Americans are now chided and branded as conspiracy theorists if they do not immediately adhere and conform to what the CDC and the FDA are telling them to both believe and do?

Perhaps it is time that we all pause and consider those who laid the foundation stones of this nation and set them in the fertile land upon which we now plant ourselves and benefit. Perhaps we need to take a deeper look into our souls and ask ourselves: Is conformity to Washington D.C., always the best course of action? Or are there other more reasonable alternatives available to us, as we look towards the future? Alternatives which are more reminiscent of the course of action which our forefathers took, when they set forth the principles of Liberty, which we now so greatly enjoy.

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Snakes Will Always Bite: It is Their Nature
An allegory about: snakes, students and politicians.

I want to share with you the lyrics of a song that was recorded by Al Wilson (1968), and we will see how this musical prescient parable, ties into the current events in America. The song is called “The Snake.”

The Snake

On her way to work one morning
Down the path alongside the lake
A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"

"Take me in, oh tender woman (come on in)
Take me in, for heaven's sake (come on in)
Take me in tender woman," sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a coverture of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from work that night, as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived


Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in, by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin again and then kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite (oh...)


"I saved you," cried that woman
"And you've bit me even, why?
And you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm gonna die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said that reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you brought me in"

Question: What do twenty-something university students and Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, have in common?

Response: Twenty-something university students and the Speaker of the House have both made friends with snakes. Snakes will always bite: It is their nature.

University Students

For many of the students who think that this is an exciting time in which to make a difference, they may be seeking the thrill of being in the moment and changing the world through protesting on university campuses. In the 1960s, students protested the Vietnam War, because they did not want to be drafted and sent to South Vietnam to fight and die.

In the case of the conflict in Gaza – American students will not be subject to military draft to fight for Palestinians or Israelis. But, in the age of social media and ubiquitous global communication from our handheld devices – students feel that they need to participate in struggles outside of the United States. Little do most of them know, that the current antisemitic university protests have been organized by foreign actors, to advance a certain narrative and ideology. This ideology also embraces the ultimate destruction of America.

Mike Gonzalez, a Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation recently published a piece in the Washington Examiner: “FBI should uncover who organized, funded radical student encampments.”

Gonzalez points out that:

We already know that some of the street protests have been organized by the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition, which claims credit for a march in Washington, D.C., that it says brought out 400,000 people, many of whom were bused in from other states.


Gonzalez also tracks down some of the ANSWER funding sources, such as the Progress Unity Fund (PUF), a non-profit organization “tied with the Workers World Party” a group with Marxist-Leninist ties. In addition, the PUF is funded by the George Soros Open Society Foundation and the Tides Foundation – known left-wing political activist organizations.

Townhall, in a piece titled “Pro-Hamas Students Reportedly Trained by Left-Wing Groups Nine Months Before College Protests,” points out that activists have been receiving training for months to prepare for the “pro-terrorism protests occurring on college campuses.” The article also noted that Columbia University students were trained by former “Black-Panthers before the pro-Hamas protests.” The Columbia University students were also encouraged to demand that the university administrators would “divest from Israel.”

Undoubtedly, certain students knew that they were being trained by off-campus, well-funded agitators. At the same time, it is certainly possible that thousands of students across the country did not realize the source of organization and funding that was managing and executing the university campus protests, riots, and destruction of school property. Some of these students have been suspended from the universities that they attended. Some of these students have been arrested and may now have criminal records. These students were bitten by the snake of anarchy. Snakes will always bite: It is their nature.

Speaker of the House – Mike Johnson (R-LA)

On the other hand, Speaker Johnson should know better. He made such an eloquent speech when he was handed the Speaker’s gavel. He made promises to his Republican caucus to defend the U.S. border and to tie that to any foreign aid funding. He broke those promises. He was afraid to play hard ball with the Democrat House Minority and he refused to shut down the government, an option that he announced he would take off the table.

The Speaker of the House is an extremely powerful position. In the event that the President and Vice President become unable to serve, the Speaker of the House temporarily serves in the Office of the President.

Johnson does not seem to have the stomach for difficult negotiations with the Senate and the Executive Branch. He has now made friends with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries – and Jeffries has committed to support Speaker Johnson. What quid pro quo has taken place between Speaker Mike Johnson, Minority Leader Jeffries and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi?

It appears that Speaker Johnson has made a deal with the opposition party. In doing so, he has made a deal with snakes, and he is going to reap the same result as the woman in the song. She was the one “taken in” by the snake’s deception, as Speaker Johnson appears to have been ”taken in” by the Democrat House leadership. Speaker Johnson has been bitten by the snake of power, authority, and compromise. Snakes will always bite: It is their nature.

The Take-Away

Many of the students have been “taken in” and swept up into the zeitgeist of anarchy on university campuses. It is a snake bite which is antithetical to the American Dream.

In the case of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson – the people of Louisianna will ultimately decide his fate. It is my hope that he will not be voted back into Congress. Americans are witnessing Washington Uni-Party antics on full display, and they are not impressed. Republicans need a Speaker of the House that will resist the bite of the Uni-Party snake and the lure of power, authority, and compromise.

Snakes will always bite: It is their nature.

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